Monday, July 19, 2010

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Thursday, March 18, 2010

First Kiss >> Kodakazumasa

小田和正 こころ正 LYRICS

人ごみを まぶしそうに 君が 走ってくる
降り続く 雨はやんで 夏の空に 変わった
You ran through the crowd of people so dazzlingly
The pouring rain stopped, and the summer sky changed

初めから 分かっていた 君の 代わりは いない
確かなことは 何も 見つからないけど 君が好き
I knew from the beginning that there was no substitute for you
I'm not really sure of anything, but I know that I love you

世界中で いちばん 大切な人に 会った
今日までの そして これからの 人生の中で
I met the most important person to me in the world
In my life up until now, and from now on

君のために できることは ほんの少しだけど
こころは ほかの誰にも ぜったい 負けないから
There isn't much that I can do for you, but
I definitely won't lose my heart to anyone else

それぞれの 想いは今 夏に ゆられるまま
離れて 近づいて 切なく ときめいて
Our feelings waver now, in the summer
Parting, getting close, being in pain, getting excited

あの夏 世界中で いちばん 大切な人に 会った
今日までの そして これからの 人生の中で
That summer, I met the most important person to me in the world
In my life up until now, and from now on

時の 流れは 二人で 刻んで行くんだ
寄りそって 触れあって 今 この時を 生きて
We carve out the passing of time together
And close to each other, touching one another, we live our lives now, in the moment

あのね 生まれて初めて こんなふうに 誰かを
幸せに したいと 思った
Hey, I was thinking that this is the first time in my life
That I've wanted to make someone happy like this

街の灯りが 空に とどいて
いつか 夕べの星と ひとつになってゆく 君が好き
The street lights reach into the sky
And one day, they'll become one with the evening stars, I love you

世界中で いちばん 大切な人に 会った
今日までの そして これからの 人生の中で
I met the most important person to me in the world
In my life up until now, and from now on

時の 流れは 二人で 刻んで行くんだ
寄りそって 触れあって 今 この時を 生きて
We carve out the passing of time together
And close to each other, touching one another, we live our lives now, in the moment

あの夏 世界中で いちばん 大切な君に 会った
こころは ほかの誰にも ぜったい 負けないから
That summer, I met the most important person to me in the world
I definitely won't lose my heart to anyone else

人ごみを まぶしそうに 君が 走ってくる
降り続く 雨はやんで 夏の空に 変わった
You ran through the crowd of people so dazzlingly
The pouring rain stopped, and the summer sky changed

Thursday, December 17, 2009


To Be With You Lyrics

Hold on little girl
Show me what he's done to you
Stand up little girl
A broken heart can't be that bad
When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you

I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you

Build up your confidence
So you can be on top for once
wake up who cares about
Little boys that talk too much
I've seen it all go down
Your game of love was all rained out
So come on baby, come on over
Let me be the one to hold you


Why be alone when we can be together baby
You can make my life worthwhile
And I can make you start to smile

When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you

"To Be With You" by Mr. Big
From Guitar World 4-92

Entered By Andreas Borg


C#m E | Asus2 E |
Hold on little girl. Show me what he's done to you.

C#m E | Asus2 E |
Stand up little girl. A broken heart can't be that bad.

Asus2 E | Asus2 E |
When it's through, it's through. Fate will twist the both of you.

D | B |
So come on baby, come on over. Let me be the one to show you.

(the following progression is repeated 4x in the chorus.)

E E/F# E/G# E Asus2 B E

Finger the F# with your thumb, the G# with your pinky.
Embellish Asus2, B, and last E chords with whatever rhythm you want.
The song varies the strum pattern for these parts.
Listen to the song to get the feeling - make it flow and feel smooth.

Im the one who wants to be with you.
Deep inside I hope you'll feel it too.
Waited on a line of greens and blues
just to be the next to be with you.

(same chord progression as first verse)

Build up your confidence so you can be on top for once.
Wake up! Who cares about little boys that talk to much?
I seen it all go down. Your game of love was all rained out.
So come on baby, come on over. Let me be the one to hold you.


Asus2 |C#m
Why be alone when we can be together baby?

G | |
You can make my life worthwhile. I can make you start to



sl. h p h

sl. ~~~ h p p let ring


~~ h p p n.h. sl

(same as first verse, except ending strum pattern on B chord is quarter,
quarter, half notes, with a hold on the half)

(the rhythm is the same as earlier chorus, but in G instead of E and a
few other changes)

G G/A G/B G Cadd9 D G

Im the one who wants to be with you.
Deep inside I hope you'll feel it too.

G G/A G/B G Cadd9 D Em This line is different
Waited on a line of greens and blues

just to be the next to be with you.

(back to E progression)
E E/F# E/G# E Asus2 B E
Im the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you'll feel it too.

E E/F# E/G# E Asus2 B C#m This line is different
Waited on a line of greens and blues

just to be the next to be with you.

Just to be the next to be with you. (hold E on ending)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009